Report an inaccuracy

Seen some incorrect info? Let us know and we'll tell the lender right away. Learn how to report an inaccuracy and what happens when you do.

Jason Hegarty avatar
Written by Jason Hegarty
Updated over a week ago

From time to time mistakes happen and you may find some information that you think is incorrect. We actively encourage you to let us know so that we can let the lenders know. When you report an inaccuracy we flag the criteria and place it in a review folder for the lender to action. The moment the report is sent to a lender their admin team will receive an email notifying them of your report so that they can review the criteria and respond accordingly. 

Every report is viewed and whilst you might not get a direct response from the lender (yet) you can be sure the report has been received and is being looked into.

How to report an inaccuracy 

At the moment you can report an inaccuracy from 2 of the 3 search types (Compare and Lender Browse). We plan to add the functionality to Multi Search soon.

When you are reviewing your results for a given criteria you will see a flag in the furthermost right hand column. Click this flag to open the dialogue box and enter your report.

Reporting an inaccuracy in Lender Browse

Reporting an inaccuracy from a lenders browse page is just as easy simply click the flag, complete your report in the pop up.

Sending us the report

Simply complete your report and click 'Submit'. 

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